Friday, June 1, 2012


As of today "Marilyn Monroe" Norma Jeane Baker would have turned 86; if only she had not left this world so soon. 

Marilyn is one of my biggest icons, she is an example of how life can take the best of us. She struggled with depression, fear, insecurities and loneliness; something we all come face to face with in life. She was beautiful and no one will never be like her. The Monroe charisma was lost when Marilyn died.
 My favorite Marilyn flicks are, Gentlemen Prefer Blondes, Some Like Hot and Don't Bother To Knock. She is a huge inspiration to me, I think of her when I am stuck with hard times or sadness and most have my characters have a part of their personality that reminds me of Marilyn. I can relate to what little I know of the real Norma, I understand some of the emotions she must have went through.  

Marilyn Monroe still lives on and I hope she remains to live on into the near future and then some. 

Have a great weekend, maybe watch a few Marilyn films! 



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